Friday, September 26, 2014

Cute Kill 1 2 3 Apps apk

This is no ordinary zombie game! Well, maybe it is, but it is LOADED WITH FUN! It has to be one of the better zombie shooter from all thousand others!

Escape the zombie apocalypse by taking up arms and killing them one by one! Avoid obstacles, shoot the chasing zombies, activate traps, and go find daddy and mummy. Discover different types of zombies beyond your imagination. Upgrade your weapons to own the icky zombies, and unlock all power-ups to be the mightiest teeny heroes out there!

Cute Kill 1.2.3.Apps apk

Unlock the free-run mode to have an endless zombie massacre goodness.
Have some jolly cute ass-kicking time!

Features include:
- Tilt or tap option to move
- Automatic shooting
- 40+ stages filled with killing fun
- Countless zombies to destroy
- Plenty of weapons to choose from
- Upgrades that keeps upgrading
- Power-ups to let you power up
- Cuteness that kills
- Hyper fun mini game!

You will find details of Cute Kill 1.2.3.Apps apk if you visit the official site of Cute Kill 1.2.3.Apps apk on Google Play >>

Download Cute Kill 1.2.3.apk

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